Erich Raeder

Erich Johann Albert Raeder was a naval leader in Germany who played a major role in the naval history of World War II. Raeder attained the highest possible naval rankthat of Groadmiral in 1939, becoming the first person to hold that rank since Alfred von Tirpitz. Raeder led the Kriegsmarine for the first half of the war he resigned in 1943 and was replaced by Karl Dnitz. He was sentenced to life in prison at the Nuremberg Trials, but was released early due to failing health.

Raeder was born in Wandsbek in the Prussian province of SchleswigHolstein in the German Empire. His father was a headmaster, who as a teacher and a father was noted for his marked authoritarian views, and who impressed upon his son the values of hard work, thrift, faith and obedienceall values that Raeder was to preach throughout his life. Hans Raeder also warned his children that if Germany were to become a democracy, that would be a disaster as it meant government by men playing politicsdoing what was only best for their petty sectarian interests instead of the nation.

Source: Wikipedia